About Finerty Consulting

Matrix Structure Management

30 years' experience transforming high profile multinational corporations and cutting-edge startups

Matrix Structure Management

30 years' experience
transforming high-profile multinational corporations and cutting-edge startups

Matrix is the structure. Cross-functional is the action.

If you create the structure without cross-functional mindsets and behaviors, you are at risk of crippling bureaucracy.

As the leading researcher, author, and consultant in the matrix management space - Susan Finerty and her team offer deep expertise that helps you make the changes necessary to better get things done across your organization. We are relentlessly pragmatic and offer solutions of all sizes. Whether working with an individual to resolve a sticky matrix issue, training a cross-functional team to work together more effectively, or overcoming cultural disconnects - we find real, sustainable solutions.

Matrix Management      Cross-Functional Influence      The Cross-Functional Strategist

Matrix is the structure. Cross-functional is the action.

If you create the structure without cross-functional mindsets and behaviors, you are at risk of crippling bureaucracy.

As the leading researcher, author, and consultant in the matrix management space, Susan Finerty and her team offer deep expertise that helps you make the changes necessary to better get things done across your organization. We are relentlessly pragmatic and offer solutions of all sizes. Whether working with an individual to resolve a sticky matrix issue, training a cross-functional team to work together more effectively, or overcoming cultural disconnects - we find real, sustainable solutions.

Matrix Management
Cross-Functional Influence
The Cross-Functional Strategist

Our Clients Include
Our Clients Include


“Susan’s research and ability to translate her knowledge and insights into practical tactics have benefited thousands of business professionals across a wide range of industries.”

H. Brausen, Senior Director of Client Experience

“How I wish I had Master the Matrix when I started working in global firms! All too often, leaders simply acknowledge the organization is matrixed but offer no real help to those new to matrixed organizations, let alone the practical steps for not only navigating but mastering the matrix as Susan Finerty provides.” 

D. George, Senior Executive, Founder

“For years the challenges of matrix management have shown up in my conversations with leaders. And for years I have been referring those leaders to one source of wisdom - Susan’s “Master the Matrix” work.”

S. King, Retired EVP of Human Resources

Practical solutions that drive success, delivered by consultants who get it.

Practical solutions that drive success, delivered by consultants who get it.

Finerty Consulting Milestones

Finerty Consulting opens its doors in suburban Chicago; focusing on talent development for the life-sciences industry.

Susan Finerty begins research of complex, global matrix organizations.

Master the Matrix (book) is published; in-person group learning collateral is built and launched.

Matrix 180 Assessment is launched based on research and book content. The first internal facilitators are certified to deliver Master The Matrix content.

Cross-Functional Influence (book) is published.  Content is used to design the desired culture for large pharmaceutical company. The first external facilitators join Finerty Consulting as contractors.

Game Changer: Building Your Cross-Functional Influence (learning session) is built and launched. Cross Functional Influence 180 Assessment is launched.

Finerty Consulting launches an eLearning platform; Master the Matrix wins “Notable Indie” award for outstanding independently-published non-fiction.

eLearning content is enhanced; platform is expanded for use with client LMS systems; Game Changer virtual simulation is built and launched; research begins for Master the Matrix 2nd edition.

Master the Matrix 2nd edition is published.

Our expertise is available in a variety of formats.

Use our Find Your Solution tool to identify the best format(s) for you, your team, or your organization.

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Our expertise is available in a variety of formats.

Use our Find Your Solution tool to identify the best format(s) for you, your team, or your organization.

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