Matrix Organizations

Matrix Management

As a pioneer in matrix management research, Finerty Consulting has translated a rich body of knowledge into practical solutions that help individuals, teams and organizations gain traction by working cross-functionally - and making the matrix their competitive advantage.

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Susan Finerty, author of Master the Matrix
The 'what', the 'why' and 'the how' behind matrix organizations and matrix roles

Gain Traction In Your Matrix Organization

Matrix Organization Characteristics

A matrix structure is intended to do three things: (1) enable enterprise-wide thinking and deciding, (2) leverage resources, and (3) encourage agility. However, structure alone will not get you there. To realize the promise of a matrix organization, people need to shift their mindsets and behaviors. When structure is present, but cross-functional mindsets and behaviors are missing, you get:

  • Bogged by process, policy and other bureaucratic methods to make it “work”
  • Frustration with lack of alignment of goals and priorities; people working at cross-purposes
  • Power struggles–fighting for power or belief that only through power can you get things done
  • Decisions that everyone thinks are “theirs” or that no one wants to own
  • Delayed and derailed decision-making as teams struggle to land on decisions
  • Over inclusion or under inclusion in communication and decision-making
  • Over-scheduled calendars

Sound familiar? 

Matrix Management, or what we call "Matrix Mastery", means applying specific mindsets, behaviors and actions that allow you to navigate the organization to the point that it’s second nature. When the 7 Matrix Essentials are how work gets done, your matrix can become your competitive advantage.

Our Matrix Management expertise is available in a variety of formats.

Our expertise is available in a variety of formats.

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Our expertise is available in a variety of formats.

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